d&d - wololo 3e to 5e

I converted a lot of monsters from 3e to 5e during this quarantine. Actually, I'm still doing it! It is something that is really hard at the beginning, but very predictably becomes a lot easier as you do it, so don't worry too much. If you too want to convert some old monsters (even from 1e or 2e, I swear!) follow the guidelines at page 4 of this much useful document and the rules in the DMG from page 273 to 283 (especially the monster statistics by challenge rating table at page 274). You will find that most of the challenge ratings still apply to the newer versions, so work along those lines.

Click on the names to go to their D&D Beyond statblock. All of the following images belong to Wizards of the Coast.


I tried to do justice to these monsters and to stay loyal to their 3e statblocks, but also balancing them out to play well in 5e. These are mostly still experiments to be honest, I haven't thoroughly playtested them, but I will very soon.

Why does one convert monsters from old editions? To include them in new adventures, of course.
