In pills: Celestion, an elventech sci-fantasy setting for D&D

©Studio Ghibli

A flying Fortress
A Castle in the skies.
One below Moon's dress
Other, under the Sun shines.

During the waning days of the war, the elven clans betrayed their own nations to finally unite under a single flag. They took off aboard their flying cities and swore to never set foot upon such a blood-drenched land ever again. Many gnomes followed them.

Up in the skies the elves and the gnomes met the cloud giants and their subjects: aarakocra, air genasi and goliaths. An alliance was made, to further stave off their common enemies: the dragons, who had the ability to still reach them from under-the-clouds.
After centuries the elven clans eventually split in two factions, with still a common goal: one to protect the skies during the day and one to protect them during the night. Thus, Sun Elves (high elves) and Moon Elves (drow) came to be. No real enmity between brothers, just rivalry. Occasionally very harsh, but still.


The elventech, developed mostly by gnomes, made them last for other centuries. Thanks to their flying suits of armor, warriors over all of this alliance could take on dragons even with minimal training. Food could be grown without earth and water could be drank without filters. Soldiers could be built instead of being bred: this was the dawn of warforged and autognomes.

But then, after even more centuries, only two flying cities remained: ÁLFHEIMR and SVARTÁLFHEIMR. Most of the cloud giants, dead. Most of the dragons also were dead. The skies fell silent. But it wasn't the end of strife, as conquerors from over and out the skies suddenly descended upon the world.
